Karesh Skilled Nursing Facility

Location: Camden, SC

Cost: $31.9 Million

Size: 92,200 SF

The Karesh Skilled Nursing Facility is located at 40  Lindsay Lane in Camden, SC. This project includes a new Skilled Nursing Facility (132 beds) on approximately 67 acres with 158 parking spaces with a central courtyard and masterplanned detention area for future phases.

A true pleasure!  Will and his team are extremely knowledgeable, friendly and always follow-up when they say they will. I was so pleased that Will would travel to City Council meetings and other on-site meetings to help explain the project.  Will always gave us notice in advance of what documents we needed to submit and he was always helpful and provided guidance where necessary.  I'm confident that our project ran as smoothly as it did because of Will and his team!"

Sallie Harrell

Executive Director, The Health Services District of Kershaw County