SteelFab Expansion


Location: Florence, SC

Cost: $1.2 Million

Size: 63,000 SF

The SteelFab facility is located at 1220 Steel Road in Florence, SC. This project includes several phases for a new paint facility, training building, and laydown yard expansion on 16.5 acres.

Cypress has been a key member of our team in developing master plans for the long term success of our facility. They have always been responsive and diligent in their efforts to lead our projects. We've enjoyed working with Cypress and look forward to collaborating in the future! Designs are very thorough, easily understood by contractors, and simple to understand for non-civil professionals. Cypress did an outstanding job at incorporating multiple properties and their various levels of civil designs into a single, unified master plan that was easy to understand and easy to convey to multiple contractors."

Rob Rutherford

President, SteelFab